Abdelrahman Ramadan channel logo Abdelrahman Ramadan
  • Custom URL: @abdelrahmanramadan9064
  • Description language: English

  • YouTube channel type
  • Audience: 1.75K
  • Video Views: 26.78K
  • # videos: 16
  • Category: Lifestyle Travel
  • Date Created: 2020-08-17
  • Date Updated: 2024-06-12
Audience activity: 15
Views per video: 1.67K

ููƒุฑ, ุงุณุฃู„, ุฌุฑุจ ูˆ ุงุชุนู„ู… ูˆ ู…ู† ู‡ู†ุง ู‡ุชูƒุชุณุจ ุงู„ุฎุจุฑุฉ ุงู„ู„ู‰ ู‡ุชูƒูˆู† ุดุฎุตูŠุฉ ู…ู„ุงุฆู…ุฉ ู„ู„ุญูŠุงุฉ ุงู„ู„ู‰ ุงุฎุชุฑุชู‡ุง, ุฎู„ู‰ ุนู†ุฏูƒ ุญู„ู… ูˆ ู‡ุฏู ูˆ ุงุตู†ุน ู„ู†ูุณูƒ ู‡ูˆูŠุฉ ู„ู‡ุง ู…ุจุงุฏุฆ ูˆ ู…ุชุณู…ุนุด ู„ุงู‰ ู…ุญุงูˆู„ุฉ ู…ู…ูƒู† ุชุญุจุทูƒ. ุงู†ุง ุนุจุฏุงู„ุฑุญู…ู†, ู…ุตุฑู‰ ู…ู‚ูŠู… ูู‰ ุฏุจู‰. ูู‰ ุงู„ู‚ู†ุงุฉ ู‡ู†ุง ุจุญุงูˆู„ ุงู†ู‚ู„ ุชุฌุงุฑุจู‰ ูˆ ุฎุจุฑุงุชู‰ ู…ู† ุฎู„ุงู„ ููŠุฏูŠูˆู‡ุงุชู‰ ุงู„ู„ู‰ ู‡ุชูƒูˆู† ุณู„ุณู„ุฉ ู…ู† ุงู„ูู„ูˆุฌุฒ/ูู„ูˆู‚ุฒ ูƒู…ุญุชูˆู‰ ู‡ุงุฏู ู„ุงูุงุฏุฉ ุงู„ู†ุงุณ. Hi there! My name is Abd El-Rahman, Iโ€™m an Egyptian living in Dubai. I started this channel as a personal outlet to film events that are positive and entertaining. Iโ€™d like to say Iโ€™m a nomad at heart, I like to travel and I aim to live in different cities to experience what life is all about outside my comfort zone. Conquering Dubai today, the world tomorrow. Welcome to my channel, all good vibes! I hope you enjoy!