Terms of Service

This is the terms of use agreement that governs your use of YScanner website and data. If you do not agree with these terms, please stop using YScanner.

  1. General terms
    1. YScanner shows youtube stats for millions of chanels. Find thousands of creators and influences in any country and language.
    2. Service keep up-to-date information about all channels with an audience bigger than 100000. The larger the channel, the more often it is updated.
    3. By using the service, you automatically agree to YouTube's Terms of Service.
  2. Data sources
    1. YScanner uses YouTube API Services.
    2. All data collected is public, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
  3. Responsibility
    1. YScanner does not guarantee the correctness of the data it displays.
    2. YScanner is not responsible for damages caused by using data from the site.
  4. Prohibited actions
    1. It is forbidden to distribute data from YScanner without indicating the source of the data.
    2. Mass receiving data from the site (scraping, parsing) is prohibited.
  5. Changes
    1. YScanner may change any of the terms and conditions at any time for any reason.
    2. Changes to the rules will be announced on this page.
    3. If you do not agree with these rules, stop using YScanner immediately.
Lasted updated: 27.03.2023