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  • Date Created: 2022-07-02
  • Date Updated: 2024-04-30
User Petit Gegant left 14 comments on 1 videos of 1 channels. Average comment length is 1555 symbols.
Comments left by Petit Gegant channel
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TED nzj7Wg4DAbs Evolution and History leave aside the happiness of it's living beings. Evolution improves living beings by giving them the capacities that lets them to be better adapted to environment, suffer less, be HAPPIER and PROGRESS in the world. A bird that is able to fly effortlessly due to his/her hollow bones will suffer less, will be HAPPIER and will PROGRESS more than a bird with dense bones. It's true that in the process of making the hollow-boned birds, some dense-boned birds suffered and were killed making Evolution and it's PROGRESS ruthless but not having been Evolution a perfect system, doesn't mean it was not worth it, in fact, without it, the overall final suffering would have been greater due to all the dense-boned birds that would have suffered while they would have helplessly tried to fly without ever achieving it. It could have been said that killing them was somekind of euthanasia. On the other side, with evolution, the overall final happiness it's greater due to all the hollowed-boned birds that, even now, fly freely and HAPPILY through the sky. Fortunately, even Evolution itself is constantly evolving, perfectioning itself and has gifted human race some amazing tools that make Evolution even more efficient than it was before in achieving the happiness of living beings and they are called love, empathy, compassion and caring. With the necessary amount of these, even poorly adapted organisms or even disabled ones will not have to suffer or die anymore and eventually, due to random mutations, the best adapted organisms will keep appearing, demonstrating that if we want, no suffering is needed anymore to achieve PROGRESS, even making it also a HAPPY event and nevermore a ruthless one. In the beginnig of History we only cared for ourselves and nobody cared for us, later we cared and were cared for our family, later we cared and were cared for our tribe, later we cared and were cared for our village, later we cared and were cared for our country, now we begin to care and begin to be cared for our world and it's organisms and surely in the end we will care and will be cared even for universe itself. That shows that throughout History, the level of caring, empathy, love and HAPPINESS, has been gradually incrementing. PROGRESS AND HAPPINESS were, are, and will be inseparables companions thanks to EVOLUTION in the longest journey ever told: HYSTORY. 1 1 2022-07-25 09:21:15
TED nzj7Wg4DAbs Societies will crumble because Science will prove the shared myths that sustain them are false. I DO NOT AGREE. Only Societies sustained in false myths will crumble, the rest that sustain themselves upon REAL facts will endure and SCIENCE will strengthen them by proving those REAL facts are True, making those societies PROGRESS. SCIENCE has proved that Humans Rights are True because we are essentially DNA and the genetic differences between humans are very small. We are essentially equal. We are ALMOST equal before God. That's why societies based in them will be strong if they believe in them. Sadly we still not believe them. We are too proud and full of ourselves. Pride will go before the fall. Pride is the real danger as always has been. Who would have told us that cutting open a human being and looking inside, we would actually find rights (genes) in her or him? SCIENCE of course, who else would have done so if not SCIENCE? Thank you forever. 0 0 2022-08-23 00:07:00
TED nzj7Wg4DAbs Nuclear weapons have brought peace to the world. Oppenheimer deserves peace Noble prize. I DO NOT AGREE. Since nuclear weapons were invented and even now there have been numerous armed conflicts, showing these kind of weapons are not needed to make a war because, sadly, human being needs very little to cause pain and suffering to others. The only thing that nuclear weapons have achieved to make a more peaceful world it's that nobody wants to use them. Nobody wants to use them because they are complete useless. They are useless because 99% of armed conflicts are about one side wanting to exploit either the people or the natural resources of the other side but it's impossible to do it with nuclear weapons because they simply destroy everything leaving nothing or no one left to be exploited. It would have been easier not to invent them at all and saved us the suffering they caused. They claimed to bring peace to the world and instead they started one of the biggest wars in human History: The Cold War which filled the hearts of millions with fear instead of hope in a better future (reducing CREDITS) and costed tons of money that could have being invested to improve Humanity wellfare. Nowadays a country has declared war against antoher country an nobody dares to do anything against the first one because it has Nuclear Weapons. They only allow to declare wars with total Impunity. In overall they were and are a bad idea. The fact that humanity had to invent a thing capable of destroying the world to realize that doing so doesn't benefit anyone, only shows Einstein was right when he said human stupidity is infinite. Oppenheimer and Humanity itself should have won the stupidity Noble prize. 0 0 2022-08-24 03:19:53
TED nzj7Wg4DAbs Nothing can prove human happiness has incremented throughout history. I DO NOT AGREE. There are some hints that indicate just the contrary: There are less wars, there is less extreme poverty, there is more law, justice, security and less violence. We live in a more solid, cohesive and solidary community: The State. We have more health, life expectancy and less pain. More Countries have self-determinated allowing its citizens to live in a community to identify themselves with. Divorces allow to disolve marriages that don't work. Day by day animal Wellfare is more important. There is more tolerance towards the ones who are different form the rest. More People can fast travel wherever they want. More people can get Educated. We have more material things that entertaint us and make our life easier. There is more freedom of thought. There is more Equality of Opportunity. There is more food. Productivity has been growing overtime allowing us to have freetime (Sundays, Holidays, etc.) to be with our loved ones, reflect about ourselves, partying, etc. Having a goal we think it's worthy and pursuing it, it's what makes us happy. Some of this things give us more freedom (both physical and mental) to choose a goal worthy to pursue. In the past we couldn't choose so much and were Unhappy doing things we didn't wanted. Besides, some of this things also improve our imagination allowing us transform mundane goals into worthy ones and even imagine new ones that never existed before. Some of these things give us the Emotional, Physical, Intellectual Strenght or the material things needed to pursue our goal. Some of these things give us more freedom to pursue our goal allowing us to go to places that were not possible to go in the past or to go there faster and some others improve our imagination allowing us to pursue our goal with our minds. All that lets us pursue (mentally and physically) our goal more efficently. 0 0 2022-08-25 01:15:53
TED nzj7Wg4DAbs Modern politic order is incoherent because it values two antagonic concepts: Equality and Individual Freedom. I DO NOT AGREE. Modern politic order values EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY (NOT absolute equality) and INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM. These two concepts are not antagonic because the more INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM people have to choose the school, the hospital, etc., they like the most, the more EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY they have to acces the type of education or healthcare they want. That makes modern politic order very Coherent and Solid. What makes modern politic order very Incoherent and Fragile is the DISHONESTY of its members (Electors and Politicians) who spend all day talking about giving FREEDOM and EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY to everyone but only give FREEDOM to rich people and only them end up having the OPPORTUNITY to get all what they want. If modern politic order doesn't start to be more HONEST, maybe it won't be modern anymore and will become old because a newer one, with probably different values (not Equality nor Freedom), will take it's place. Maybe the invasion of the U.S.A. Capitol it's prove enough or maybe not but if the most powerful Democracy in the world it's sinking, the rest of the world best be prepared for what's to come. 0 0 2022-08-25 22:43:35
TED nzj7Wg4DAbs U.S.A. Democratic Party decreases freedom and increases equality. I DO NOT AGREE. It increases freedom and increases equality. Increasing taxes seems a way to decrease freedom because people can't decide freely how to spend their money but in the end, if those taxes are WELL ADMINISTRATED, WITHOUT CORRUPTION, they can give more freedom than they take away. With less taxes a person have the freedom to pay a better surgeon but won't be able to "buy" the hospital where the surgeon works. With more taxes people can "buy" a hospital that gives more freedom to all to acces the medical assistance they want. The same goes for teachers/schools, cars/highways, etc. Democratic Party increases freedom by raising taxes and in turn increases equality because everyone can benefit from the services granted by those taxes. 0 0 2022-08-26 23:11:13
TED nzj7Wg4DAbs -Agriculture is inferior to hunters-gahterers. It has been the biggest fraud of humanity. I DO NOT AGREE. Agriculture has numerous advantages if you do it right. Doing it right means diversifying crops to achieve a varied, healthy diet and preserve the soil's nutrients. Doing it right means that you must not allow some feudal lord or similar parasite take profit of your hard labour. Doing it right means that you only must work having in mind the current year and the next one because if you pretend to harvest in a year what you will need the next ten years your body will not resist it. If those things are not done right any system, included hunters-gatherers, will fail. That being said, the advantages of the agricultural system are: 1-It allows that even individuals who are not very smart, fast or perceptive partake in it. To survive being a hunter-gatherer means that an individual must have all his senses, mental and physical skills at the highests levels. Having that in mind, seems that agriculture it's worse in evolutionary terms, but it isn't because if those less skilled individuals cooperate, they can compensate each other's deficiencies, synergize and eventually act as an overskilled group. In fact, it's just what we make nowadays because each individual only knows one type of work and ignores all the rest but cooperating we compensate it. Even more, a system that can integrate more individuals in it (not only the most skilled) makes the group of individuals bigger. As we can see, a system like Agriculture that can integrate all sorts of individulas (skilled or not) allows both the creation of big groups and also forces its members to cooperate. Cooperating in bigger groups it's what made humans PROGRESS much more than the rest of animals and that's why Agriculture was, is and will be one of the major SUCCESSES of Humanity. 2-It makes you feel HAPPIER because you adopt the role of a caring, giving life mother/father while cultivating and at the same time you adopt the role of son/daughter who is fed by his/her mother/father while harvesting. Like a tribe said along time ago, "we all are daughters and mothers of potatos". Being a hunter-gatherer makes you feel like a plunderer of nature and it's less satisfying. 3-It produces more food allowing population growth and therefore, the aparition of big groups of humans. Having in mind that PROGRESS of humanity depends on the cooperation of big groups, it's of utmost importance to have a system that enables the creation of such groups and that's just what agriculture does. If the members of such big groups begin to enslave one another instead of cooperate it's not agriculture's fault, it's the fault of an inefficient, shared, imagined reality (politic system, legal system, religion, etc.) 4-It allows you to establish in a permanent site and erect defenses to protect you from beasts and invaders, otherwise you are exposed to attacks. 5-If there are surpluses you can store them for when hard times come. 0 0 2022-08-28 23:43:56
TED nzj7Wg4DAbs 19th century Liberal European Governments priorized Freedom and increased Inequality. I DO NOT AGREE. Those governments only priorized the freedom of the rich allowing them to brutally exploit the workers. On the other side, those governments didn't priorized much the freedom of the workers to work in human conditions, even more, if some of them dared to protest they were arrested and deprived of their freedom immediatly. Those governments only increased the freedom of a rich minority and restricted the freedom of a poor majority, DECREASING the overall FREEDOM of that society and thus INCREASING its INEQUALITY. 0 0 2022-08-27 23:36:35
TED nzj7Wg4DAbs All tends to standarize. I DO NOT AGREE. All tends to diversify beacuse it's in human nature, it's in human nature because it's more evolutionarily efficient and it's more evolutionarily efficent because the more diverse a toolbox, the more efficient it is. Humanity has been countinously creating new dance genres because the more dance genres are, more ways to express oneself emotions and alter the ones of others will be, and that's just what dance (and art itself) it's all about. Even the powerful Roman Empire tried with Latin to unify the language of millions of people but in the end it could not stop the sprouting of the new languages that would finally became the modern ones we use today. In schools all kids are teached the same things but in the end each one ends up developing a unique personality and with that, a unique point of view. With more languages, personalities, points of view, etc. humans develop the ability to adress problems from a wider variety of angles and thus incrementing the possibilities to solve them and PROGRESS. Besides, everything has a natural tendency to diversify as evidenced by the fact that there are so many cultures, so much biodiversity and the universe itself has almost an infinite variety of planets, stars, black holes, quarks, etc. 0 0 2022-08-30 00:02:04
TED nzj7Wg4DAbs Peasants from the Middle Ages were not Unhappy to live all their lives covered in Dirt. I DO NOT AGREE. It would be true if they never bathed not even once in thier lifes. We have never been able to fly and we never are Unhappy about that. What make them unhappy was the fact that they were covered in dirt all the time because taking a bath was too costly and they could not afford it. If they had bathed with cold water they would have died from pneumonia. If they had bathed with warm water they would have suffered physical injuries and tiredness due to the exhausting effort of cutting the logs to make the fire to warm the water. Furthermore from time to time they saw some noble and realized they were not so dirty. That surely awakened unhappy feelings in them that mixed up with other factors originated the numerous rebellions in wich peasants were involved in those times that ended culminating in the French Revolution much more later. curiously, when the hottest season of the year began during which it wasn't so expensive to bathe and the grain harvest that allowed people to survive the winter was reaped, local festivals were organized and HAPPINESS reigned at least a few days. To remember that HAPPINESS, those parties are still alive and well and are celebrated every year with music and fireworks even though nowadays we can bathe whenever we want. The HAPPINESS of knowing one can face the cruelty of Winter with the effort of all together, along with the one of being able to bathe a few months a year, has lasted until today and will last forever. A popular saying in my country in those times said: "In this world we have come to suffer". Once again, curiously, nowadays almost no one says it. Hope it will never get popular again. 0 0 2022-09-01 01:24:55
TED nzj7Wg4DAbs The French Revolution did not make people happy. I DO NOT AGREE. It make people happy in three ways: 1-It gave people a worthy goal to work for and thus it gave people a more meaningful life. 2-When people achieved the goal of the revolution (taking vengeance upon the kings who harmed them) they were satisfied. 3-After the revolution, people life conditions improved making them more free to choose, imagine and pursue their goals in life. 0 0 2022-09-02 00:35:14
TED nzj7Wg4DAbs To make people believe in Democracy we must insist that it is based in the Laws of God or the Laws of Nature. I DO NOT AGREE. Precisely, people started Believing in Democracy because they feared the Cruel Laws of Nature in which only the Strongest thrived and because they got tired of following the Laws of God which only rewarded them in the Afterlife. People wanted REAL rewards during their earthly lives and escape the Cruelty of Nature. To make people Believe in Democracy we must insist that it can effectively offer both of them to Society but also insist that it will never offer them if their leaders and the ones below them aren't HONEST. If politicians begin to lie too much, leaded by their human EGOIST nature that only craves for money and power, no one will believe them anymore and Democracy will disappear to be replaced for another Imagined Reality. If citizens don't punish electorally the politicians who don't respect their promises, Democracy will became a farse and be no Democracy at all. We have to create laws to prevent this to happen. Fact checking laws that impose a fine for every electoral promise not kept or laws forbidding the reelection, for a certain amount of time, of those politicians who have been Dishonest. Truth be told, HONESTY is so powerful that can make the Laws of God more rewarding during earthly life (Honest priests who, by helping the community build hospitals and schools, not only make possible to improve Society's health and education but also increase the number of faithful who will help funding their Churches) and the Laws of Nature less Cruel (Honest animalists who, by feeding the animals of their Sanctuaries, not only make possible that preys and predators coexist without killing each other but also earn some money showing the beasts to curious viewers). Sadly throughout History we have putted our beliefs and faiths at the service of Religions, Politics, Economic Systems, Legal Systems, etc. much more than at the service of HONESTY. When we will realize that without these all the rest only STAGNATES PROGRESS and brings UNHAPPINESS? Perhaps the time has come to PROGRESS and start putting them on the top and all the rest below them. Changing a bit here and there can't hurt anybody. Not changing anything can hurt everybody. 0 0 2022-09-02 20:48:38
TED nzj7Wg4DAbs Historical events haven't changed our biochemistry. I DO NOT AGREE. The discovery of America changed human brain's biochemistry making it more open minded to change, curious about discovering new things and creative when looking for solutions to problems. The technological progress science has brought through successive industrial revolutions, has changed the way of life of milions making them more sedentary and altering their biochemistry favouring the aparition of metabolic illnesses like obesity and diabetes. Social networks have deeply impacted brain's biochemistry of milions making them more empathic (some even say that human being is evolving towards a collective sentient being) but also making them more prone to suffer mental issues. Rest assured the mastery of fire, the invention of writing, agriculture and so many others also changed our bodies and minds. 0 0 2022-09-04 17:29:53
TED nzj7Wg4DAbs Talking behind people's backs it's essential in achieving cooperation in big groups of persons. I DO NOT AGREE. It's not essential. There are others methods like making a public debate about the different options available and let the majority decide pacifically wich is better in a free electoral process. This method it's called Democracy. In fact it's quite detrimental. A philosopher said "the one who speaks badly of others with you, speaks badly of you with others". It's very difficult to build up confidence in a group and thus achieving cooperation among it's members if they think their companions are talking bad of them behind their back. Fear will be dominant and no new ideas will arise to lead the group to PROGRESS. If someone in a group is behaving badly he or she must be aproached soflty and caringly by the rest of the group and be persuaded to change his or her behaviour. If that doesn't work he or she must be socially isolated from the rest until he or she changes his or her attitude. If things get worse authorities must be called. The only reason to speak behind someone's back is to speak bad things of him or her to achieve the entire group bullies him or her without the bullying instigator being discovered. Maybe "gossipipng" it's great for overthrowing democratic or non democratic governments, making a popular tv show or practice bullying but I think that we can do better. A tv show doesn't need to be "gossiping" to be popular. Bullying and overthrowing a democratic government it's the worst. Overthrowing a non democratic government it's good in the short term but i'ts bad in the long term because there will be a part of society who will feel outraged and when the time is right they will also overthrow the existing government making stabilty and the PROGRESS it provides impossible to achieve. If there is a non democratic government it must be changed gradually from within with a lot of time, effort and softness to convince it's leaders that they are wrong, that there won't be retaliations against them if they lose the power and eventually they themselves will begin to think/act differently towards a more democratic government. Sadly, gossiping it's a thing we have done since the beggining of time because it's easy and satisfying but it's not one of our best qualities or a thing to be proud of. Gossiping stagnates PROGRESS. 0 0 2022-09-12 20:29:51