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  • Date Updated: 2024-02-26
User filmeseverin left 16 comments on 1 videos of 1 channels. Average comment length is 882 symbols.
Comments left by filmeseverin channel
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TED VxGMqKCcN6A Anyone can read below, explained in details, how I became a believer of the truth. It happened in the first year as a college student. I was an atheist at that time and before, but when I made my girlfriend (actual wife) cry, *due to a contradictory discussion about God/Jesus,* loving her very much, I ASKED TO GIVE ME A SIGN TO BELIEVE, addressing this from all my soul and from all my heart (it was like "God, if you exist, give me a sign to believe in you"), then, in few days, when I had already forgotten about my demand, I had the vision (please forgive my English, while it is not my native language): I was like teleported outdoors in complete dark, feeling the wind blowing slowly, and while worrying where I am, and how could be possible such phenomenon, a sphere of light came slowly from the left (later I realized that it came from the house in which I was born, the house of my grandfather, who was a priest, being dead at that moment), and faster while approaching of me, when I was able to recognize the exact place where I was, due to the reflection of light on the houses on one side and another of the road, being in the middle of the street, quite close to the house where I was born (in a small village). The sphere of light was very bright (the whitest white), diffusing lightly on edges, and in the moment when it touched me, it became like an usual white, decreasing its brightness, as (like) it was defiled by me. When that sphere of light was coming, I remembered my demand (my words: TO GIVE ME A SIGN TO BELIEVE), and I realized that I can do nothing to escape from that situation (I felt that we people are very small and weak, infinitely more than we realize, against what exists beyond us). All the time, being inside that light I felt it more like a fluid (it was not an usual light). After few moments, surrounded by that sphere of light (due to my emotions that have risen dramatically, I was standing up on my toes), I felt it going slowly up, tilting my head up, very kindly, by two very gentle hands (like angelic hands), then going very fast into the sky, like a column of light, remaining looking at the dark night sky filled with stars, IN A COMPLETE SILENCE (that I never experienced). I say "complete silence" because before that moment it was like in this world, with a permanent almost imperceptible background noise, but then the complete silence made me feel out of this world, like I was dead, and I thought that I will hear some words, but no words and I came very abruptly into our usual reality with my heart beating incredible hard, like outside of my body, and the first thing I said was: "Thank You for bringing me back!", then I made my first sacrament (oath) from my entire life: "I will tell to all people whom I find not believing in God that GOD EXISTS AND TO THINK MORE ABOUT THIS!". _"In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people; your sons and daughters will prophesy, your _*_young men will see visions,_*_ your old men will dream dreams."_ Acts 2, 17 My vision, which turned me from an atheist into a Christian, was a unique 100% real very powerful event at the limit for my heart to resist. If something like that would have happened again later in my life, I would have a heart attack (thanks God that I was very healthy and athletic at that time). Also, I received it because of two main reasons: 1) In spite of the fact that I have been an atheist, besides some mistakes, I have not done evil on purpose, but I have suffered very much evil from others instead, having a life without vices, being virgin until meeting my wife... I was living a life quite close to the one of a saint; 2) I have asked for a sign to believe from all my heart, in the most serious way. 1 18 2022-08-22 14:12:19
TED VxGMqKCcN6A Regarding the existence of God, if by reading entirely and carefully all my messages posted recently on this video, the atheists are still not convinced enough, they should read the following true happening: 1 7 2022-08-27 03:05:24
TED VxGMqKCcN6A Because from only nothing, nothing comes just by itself and because from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes, *God's existence is proved* by the existence of this reality with intelligence into it (in addition, God has told us that He is _"the beginning and the end",_ and that is why He always existed). 1 7 2022-08-17 10:48:46
TED VxGMqKCcN6A Because from only nothing, nothing comes just by itself and because from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes, *God's existence is proved* by the existence of this reality with intelligence into it (in addition, God has told us that He is _"the beginning and the end",_ and that is why He always existed). Science will never be able to really know, at least, what a photon is (the magnification process being infinite). Regarding the Creator of this reality (the nature of God etc.), our power of comprehension will always be like how much the cups can think to understand the man who made them (comparison mentioned in the Bible), but *we have Jesus Christ, the human form of Divinity, to be able to see God and what He expects from us.* Only Jesus Christ (the human form of Divinity) has said: *_"I am the way, the truth and the life."_* He also said: *_"The sky and the earth won't last forever, but my words will."_* Matthew 24, 35 _"Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead [...] I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that _*_the gospel I preached is not of human origin._*_ I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ."_ 0 4 2022-08-28 15:30:26
TED VxGMqKCcN6A The unbelievers of the truth are like those who live in "a house" (this world) but do not want both to follow the rules of the Builder/Owner (they denying Him) and to pay "the rent" (which means, in brief, to strive always only for good, for perfection, to never do evil, especially to not do evil intentionally) so that in the end, when they will face the Builder/Owner of the house (at the Judgment), they will regret their incorrect and undeserved using of the house (their earthly life), but then it may be too late for most of them, unfortunately. Christianity is verified/makes sense by/with everything: human history, science, human behavior etc. In addition, those really interested about the truth can find it out directly from the Creator of this reality, like in my case, when I asked from all my heart, in the most serious way for a sign to believe, then receiving the vision, which turned me from an atheist into a Christian. 1 1 2022-08-22 11:04:12
TED VxGMqKCcN6A This reality has been created intentionally so that freedom to be 100% offered. The problem is with those who have used (are using) their freedom for doing evil intentionally, Satan with the other fallen angels who, according to the "Parable of the weeds", have altered this world, the DNA... (making the carnivores, the parasites, the viruses, bad bacteria etc.... to sustain the useless suffering) and their tools, the evil=stupid humans, not with the One who has offered freedom. 0 1 2022-10-05 03:08:52
TED VxGMqKCcN6A After hearing the truth about/from God/Jesus, only those who want to use freedom for evil are opposing to Divinity. 0 1 2022-08-24 18:05:05
TED VxGMqKCcN6A Human ignorance is the main way Satan and the other fallen angels have operated and still operate in this world. For example, cancer must not be treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, but with healthy periods of starvation, consuming only natural / organic vegetables and appropriate fruits, especially black fruits (like the black raspberry), with 8 hours of sleep every night, walks / exercises in nature (fresh air), without stress, optimistic ..., not eating sugar and meat at all ... the tumors being "digested" in a few months or even weeks (it is also highly recommended not to have any overload during the healing period). Over the healthy periods of starvation, the body will begin to feed on all its unused tissues (including the tumors). Those healthy periods of fasting help our immune system and induce the state of ketosis (consumption of stored fat in the body) and gluconeogenesis, so that *through outdoor exercise, when we eat almost nothing for a long enough period, our body will "digest” also all tumors in the body.* Many other diseases can be prevented and cured in this way (such as: diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, obesity, etc.). Anyone can do an easier experiment. For a weekend, eat nothing but drink, few times a day, some tea with lemon and a little honey, taking on these occasions a tablespoon or two of black grape seed powder. The tea can be made using only lemons, well washed, cut into slices and squeezed in water before being boiled (enough, but not too much). Then, after it is no longer hot, sweeten with a little honey (100% natural) and add a new / fresh slice of lemon, also squeezed into the cup / glass of tea. I make my own black grape powder at home from dried 100% organic black grape pomace, ground with a coffee grinder (the consumption of black grape powder during healthy periods of fasting, with outdoor exercise, destroys the cancer cells). I am sorry because many people do not know enough biology to be able to understand all the details from the correct treatment for cancer that I have explained above. Also, most people do not know that it has been proved already that the black grapes powder consumption, over the healthy fasting periods (with outdoor exercise), makes the cancer cells kill themselves. For your health, in general, try to *avoid sugar, meat and sedentary lifestyle, besides keeping a good hydration and a continuous 7 or 8 hours sleep each night.* 0 1 2022-09-07 02:45:34
TED VxGMqKCcN6A Only the superficial ones do not think enough to understand *the simple fact that from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes.* They ignore the intelligence put from the beginning into the so called Big Bang. For example, the intelligence mentioned above includes the exact value of the speed of light matching the manifestation of what we call "gravity", working together since the primordial conditions to form in the end this reality, which hosts intelligent life that is able to feel / understand / admire / enjoy / respect / love the Creator. 1 0 2022-08-16 16:40:09
TED VxGMqKCcN6A The conventional biological evolution is hiding the facts about Satan and the other fallen angels who, according to the "Parable of the weeds", have altered this world, the DNA... (making the carnivores, the parasites, the viruses, bad bacteria etc....) to sustain the useless suffering while, initially, all insects, animals etc. were feeding only with plants (plants products, such as fruits, nectar, seeds etc.). The fallen angels, being sadistic, have altered the DNA of most living things (including us) to do as default both: reproduce uncontrollably (as much as they can) and fight (kill) each other. Unfortunately, they love to see living things suffering, especially human beings suffering. 0 0 2022-10-06 07:09:53
TED VxGMqKCcN6A I have been an atheist (due to the atheistic education under the communist regime) until the vision received. Few years before the vision, while still being an atheist, I had a NDE. I had an out of body experience when my heart has stopped for more minutes, in the emergency room of the hospital: at 18 years old, after a quite saint life, without bad addictions, being a virgin (no sexual involvement until that moment, just platonic), and generally suffering evil from others but not hurting others etc.) when I had my heart stopped in the hospital and my spirit was leaving my body (I raised floating horizontally at about one meter above my dead body, in an infinite happiness that I did not know that exists, and when I was trying to communicate with the nurse next to my bed, she was just looking down very sadly, at my dead face, not answering to me, actually not hearing me, while being invisible for her and the other patients from the intensive care room). Then, after that wonderful (extreme happiness) short period of time spent outside of my body (saying continuously loudly about how immense wonderful happiness I feel, but nobody was hearing me), I went down slowly, with the same exact speed, to (into) my body and was back alive. 0 0 2022-08-22 14:09:35
TED VxGMqKCcN6A God is not showing intentionally direct evidences (as atheists want) because He wants to see our *free* choices, how much we love perfection (100% goodness, justice, pure love....) and how much we detest evilness=stupidity. If/when we will have direct evidences of God, as atheists want, then we ALL will have immediately interested love regarding our Heavenly Father, but now, the really good humans can prove their true love for perfection, while living here with 100% freedom. 0 0 2022-08-27 06:52:48
TED VxGMqKCcN6A I cannot post the end of the true happening from my previous thread due to censorship (they restrict messages for no justified reason). However, I noticed that most unbelievers of the truth are not reading entirely and carefully the messages that prove them in error. For example, my messages about the fact that our rationality/intelligence is proof of the initial eternal Intelligence (called God / the Creator) because *from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes.* It seems that most atheists are replacing the Creator with His creation, this reality, hoping that they will not be judged by God/Jesus, after leaving this world. 0 0 2022-08-27 03:38:54
TED VxGMqKCcN6A So far, atheists can only deliberately forego to elementary logic in order to deny the simple fact that our rationality / intelligence is proof of the initial eternal Intelligence (called God / the Creator, _"'the beginning and the end"_ ), because *from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes,* any honest person being able to think a little to understand the elementary and undeniable truth written in bold. 0 0 2022-10-05 03:11:10
TED VxGMqKCcN6A All evil has been done because of stupidity and the main/worst stupidity has always been to not listen by God/Jesus. *_"Be perfect therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect"_* Matthew 5, 48 Unfortunately, too many people have refused over history, and too many still refuse nowadays, to follow this. 0 0 2022-10-05 03:10:38
TED VxGMqKCcN6A After sorting the comments, anyone can see in my previous top message (posted about 18 hours ago) that *I proved God's existence* using only elementary logic and simple rationality. 0 0 2022-08-18 05:45:58