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  • Date Created: 2022-08-11
  • Date Updated: 2024-04-26
User kelley o'sullivan left 55 comments on 31 videos of 4 channels. Average comment length is 310 symbols.
Comments left by kelley o'sullivan channel
Channel Video Comment Text Likes Replies Date and Time
EminemVEVO 1wYNFfgrXTI "Honey... (for cutie xo LAUREN). .. i was abused at the nashville draft ... a pink scarf was tied around my fat ass.. my stomach was big... one time i was force fed carbs.. and my brother is a fat nhl player retired that is sensitive... . we can cancel eminem :D if we want to... " 1 1 2022-08-22 23:35:01
EminemMusic H5v-FO-jMS0 sounds too complicated.. some of these love songs... not my cup of tea. Do you actually like how he talks about setting things on fire? And s&m? Being crazy all of the time>.. way too out there.. choking each other in bed...punching each other out...pulling guns/knives... sounds low income.. yelling constantly... sounds messy like overly immature people.. or its just the way he's writing????? You don't think this sounds like a mess in parts? The type of writing? No one else into peace and quiet overall>? 1 1 2022-08-29 15:18:16
EminemVEVO PVbQrvlB_gw inappropriate cgi or whatever... stupid.... turn this off. Naughty behaviour to edit the video that way 0 1 2022-08-22 23:11:22
The Chainsmokers kdemFfbS5H0 not into this humour.... because.... now... okay... i'll give ya'll an example.... i have a triple chin and am a teacher of sorts.... my name is karen... i'm dual north american and british... have prepared a powerpoint presentation on pop ready for it ... you skinny-fat f*cks.... that goes for all of youes....... *cough cough... pass me the donuts.. the sweets and coffees... ........ okay i saw two fine young white ladies.. dressed in bubble coats... this previous Winter.... and the colour and cut.. was exactly the same way..... .......look at the photos ....... a very mean girl... a snoot... was critiquing.. and being overly critical/negative.... to one of the daughters .. sporting the very same coat .. baring the same dress size... they even had a similar face... and now it is far too c o m p e t i t i ve... i worry for you girls.. i do 1 0 2022-08-30 19:56:59
EminemMusic Vo7Tn6CAwuI making fun of the brian johnson character from the break fast club? 0 0 2022-08-22 15:35:04
EminemMusic BZ09A39xECk an extremely powerful band called Fuel.... is better than this. How about Hemorrhage 0 0 2022-08-22 15:30:39
EminemMusic vIwhhIDIhvU So lets vote.... Is the lead singer of Train ... or this rapper ... hotter in a Black Long Sleeves Top? Don't you get creatively .. excited... seeing that kind of outfit :D 0 0 2022-08-22 15:39:36
EminemMusic X_CIZiF5mJA men can kill their wife in a rap song .. and talk about fat people sitting and standing too slow or whatever.. but women cant do that. Hip hop is primarily catered for/to men. And maybe lisa hannigan and tori amos types... alto types.. as good as that.. deserve more youtube channels and avenues.. and nikes .. and places to f*ck underage teens.. etc.. scot-free. Eminem is annoying . and youre fat x 0 0 2022-08-21 14:58:27
EminemMusic CrwQmJqvWHU semi fat girls that don't play tennis enough ...won't do cardio as tots... won't swing non stop on the court... not eating from the Foreman Grill. .>........... Girls: Go to the Hospital. Get Help. 0 0 2022-08-22 15:37:03
EminemMusic X_CIZiF5mJA so again... if a woman made this.. as joke or serious.. in rap or pop.. it would not work. Nice double standards fat people x 0 0 2022-08-21 14:57:13
EminemVEVO sNPnbI1arSE no else think the 80s.. 90s were better quality of life? (and other decades) "yes it was better...youre an honest person that is constantly made fun of.... :( :) people behaved better.... back in the day.... cell phones now make things annoying as f*ck.. life is lame as f*ck.. super depressing... .. pro sports were better.. the clothes were better.. etc" 0 0 2022-08-22 23:39:43
EminemMusic CrwQmJqvWHU scary beat.... how the song first starts... (turn this up real loud) .............. when patrick..... sexy ass patrick is driving around in his home coming king suit..throwing pizza at nice sisters faces xxxxxxx 0 0 2022-08-21 15:44:07
EminemVEVO 8CdcCD5V-d8 basically this is inappropriate.. because one has to lean that way... one has to be abusive or make rules... and lean to the strict ... or more mean side... to make sure b.s. doesnt get in. :D am a bit of a nerd and have some down time.. is there a lawyer or important person at the u.n. to write an earnest letter to? To try to ban these kind of lyrics.. and violence in media... ? The sexism etc? I want gender equality.. so i can make a lot of money and save alot.. and not be around people who use me and make my life unhappy. It'll come off pedestrian.. or unimportant.. but .... this needs addressing. "eminem is helping society and inspires people to live a safe successfull happy life!!!!" ...... "That's not true".........................................-. steffi graff-agassi.. "he did not wait long enough to have sexual intercourse.. and did not put his thinking cap on when we taught the d.a.r.e programme ...etc... yes he is popular .. compared to your .... like .. xiu xiu...........tori amos.. almost...... lennon... type stuff.. but not quite as good.. or whatever" 0 0 2022-08-22 23:28:51
EminemVEVO lgT1AidzRWM not allowed to become a man early enough.. so get over that a lot of women are angry.. not getting what we need.. white and of colour... in music.. and in english west.. in general... not to sound disrespectful or a threat... Like... thats lad culture.. or rude... whether youre masculine or camp/soft.. or whatever.. how men talk at... and tout women... It comes off like you dont want us to do well... no? 0 0 2022-08-22 23:23:11
EminemVEVO lgT1AidzRWM gee whiz: It’s okay to lose people, but never Lose Yourself” -Eminem ... not to startle you... burst your bubble.. its annoying now.. because see you all can't have your fat f*ck cake and eat it too you know... not sure if you can dig it.. but you've put a real dent in my evening.. ruined my life.. by being so different than me... and having a different background and being sat beside me in....public.. in a country that is unorganised.. and lacking in safety.. laws.. consistency.. im not h*tler at all.. im nice... im fair.. im reasonable... but what woman gets to write or act on anger at all??!?!!??!?!?! that's very hurtful to push women in sports.. music.. money... an industry.. of any kind... in whatever.. military.. .whatever it was... okay.. on the books or off... and then be like.. "hey you cant talk about it or make art about it or money off of it". I'm not a d*ke but something like that. .wherei dont want to be silenced.. over stuff that makes people uncomfortable. Or rather i dont have to write a book or make a hit song.. or be myself in public.. i can be quiet/private.. but dont let men act out.. scot-free then all day.. because now its too uncomfortable... Rap and hip hop or media in general... yeah.. lawlessness.. went too far.... And i dont think joanna newsom lyrics.. as gorgeous as she is.. as an artist.. little super model... right shes like a size 02 and 5 foot 2... from a daddy who is middle class doctor.. im not being rude to her.. shes one of the best musicians alive.. but her style of creative writing or her content.. does not address.. DEAD on... or in a straightforward.. or real enough way.. an intense enough way... what its like to be a woman now a days. noticed in your coloured community... you dont let people like me talk... maybe a girl abused in basketball.. or tennis.. or scholastics... that has good habits overall.. some smarts.. a bit of a bad record.. but mostly just no place to go... because youre sexist .. used to seeing women as sex.. or your funding 0 0 2022-08-22 23:18:07
EminemMusic jfobiCq0YUc No need to be angry... or move around ... sit still... and play something relaxing... Don't yell ... We don't need to hear Your life story. x 0 0 2022-08-22 14:37:12
EminemVEVO uelHwf8o7_U :( kind of racist how you write about some white girls 0 0 2022-08-22 23:06:01
EminemVEVO uelHwf8o7_U Dear kim and marshall can you take me out to eat... to somerset mall? I am into janis joplin.. and giovanni is a tool... married someone with an uglier face than me... but i eat bad and have a mumma fat girl body at the moment loves... Want to play an arena.. and need to Get Over My Fears... Can you help me?!?? The articles are disturbing and come off racist maybe even. much love, charlyn... marie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (cat p o w e r ) :( :) 0 0 2022-08-22 23:04:42
EminemVEVO 0AqnCSdkjQ0 America is dumb :( no good 0 0 2022-08-22 22:39:36
EminemVEVO eJO5HU_7_1w anyone not into this playing.. because you couldn't have sex on the regular... or f*ck around ... and like... why be given speeches about this kind of music.. being superior... on the tape deck? There's a lot of better.. cleaner music out there :D with less problems :D x 0 0 2022-08-22 22:33:01
EminemVEVO eJO5HU_7_1w Anyone take a d.a.r.e programme fairly to very seriously.. at least in elementary school? the time frame was like in the 90s throughout michigan.. in the urban and more sterling whites.. classrooms... Anyone scared of music like this... going so far? Being so widely received? Happy To Help In Any Way I Can. Anyone ..female or male.. (identify :D whateve.r. . as you'd like) ... of colour or white... Anyone annoyed... by this music.. taking over... and ready to maybe protest it ... somehow... because the wrong people got ahead.. or took over the general public.. ?!!?!?! ARE YOU TRAUMATISED BY THIS MUSIC PLAYING.??!?! CAUSE PEOPLE EXIST.. that have been beat up.. and motivated .... soothed.. by this kind of dancing and lyrics.. and vibe.. and thinking. :D ---> "have a great summer.. h.a.g.s. fatf*ck" ... Face The Music: is too painful or risky to be out and about really.... because it is so violent and carefree. People need to become more taciturn and turn inward.. and be more disciplined... And not be on drugs. No Escapism. Allowed. Maybe your foreskin was pulled back... or your apple turn over... was touched by a fat father.. that was drunk or high.. or just inapropriate.. in the toilets... and you had to hear this kind of music later on .. and work out to it... you had to do work outs in the living room.. on the orange carpet... and listen to ridiculous music like this.. and take it seriously... and nod .. and agree... Listen a lot of us are forced to listen to rap and hip hop.. and we prefer oldies or rock n roll. or soundtracks... um...... cinematic... real music. And we aren't into blacks or whites.. or any other ethnicity... playing this ... It's the content and material.. that are reaally annoying.... or scary.. and motivate people ... to wear a trench coat and shoot up their school... and talk like him.. etc. "This eminem music doesn't help... really.. he may not hurt or be the driving force... but he doesn't correct bad behaviour.. and doesn't make clean cut music" :D x 0 0 2022-08-22 22:32:10
EminemMusic Heses2X2hTE its a big no from me today... racist? or a personality clash clash? xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0 0 2022-08-23 16:22:37
EminemMusic Heses2X2hTE its a no from me 0 0 2022-08-23 16:22:04
EminemMusic Heses2X2hTE no thanks to this movie.. youre making fun of fat people ... fat white women .. that dont eat right... etc. that wear whole foods deodorant ..instead of the normal standard shit at the pharmacies here... and it comes off.. offensive.. how you did not say "black lives matter".. .. INSTEAD you said "all lives matter". I have a lot of black people.... that i have run into... that would agree.. that all lives dont matter. Its just black time now,.... :) 0 0 2022-08-23 16:21:58
EminemMusic CrwQmJqvWHU strippers are fat... "my daughter won't be a slut ...take dance ... but don't... music is hippie bullshit... on some days.. other days i like 93.1 drq and obscure jazz.. booking us a hotel .... let's go see the Borrowers.. and hold my hand in Saving Private Ryan.. " 0 0 2022-08-22 15:38:36