tia yuniarto channel logo tia yuniarto
  • Custom URL: @tiayuniarto2767

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  • Audience: 0
  • Video Views: 0
  • # videos: 0
  • Date Created: 2020-11-29
  • Date Updated: 2024-06-29
User tia yuniarto left 2 comments on 2 videos of 1 channels. Average comment length is 122 symbols.
Comments left by tia yuniarto channel
Channel Video Comment Text Likes Replies Date and Time
TRANS TV Official -hDrm3zEFBw David langganaku dulu pas q jualan di mangga 2 lantai 1 Dia suka banget makan lontong n suka minta tulang sumsum 0 1 2022-08-25 04:05:14
TRANS TV Official sRx10HL38Gk Tahun 2008 david sama istrinya langganan pas q jualam di kantin mangga 2 lantai 1 dia baik banget n klw ad sintron baru bilang hihi 0 0 2022-08-25 04:26:28