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  • Custom URL: @itechmohamedsayed
  • Country: Egypt ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ฌ
  • Language: Arabic
  • Description language: English

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  • Audience: 27.9K
  • Video Views: 4.32M
  • # videos: 514
  • Estimated Earnings: $1.08K - $17.3K
  • Category: Knowledge Lifestyle Technology
  • Date Created: 2015-03-31
  • Date Updated: 2024-07-10
Audience activity: 154
Views per video: 8.41K
Keywords: ุงู†ุดุงุก ู‚ู†ุงุฉ ุนู„ู‰ ุงู„ูŠูˆุชูŠูˆุจ ู…ู† ุงู„ู‡ุงุชู ุงู†ุดุงุก ู‚ู†ุงุฉ ุนู„ู‰ ุงู„ูŠูˆุชูŠูˆุจ ูƒูŠููŠุฉ ุงู†ุดุงุก ู‚ู†ุงุฉ ูŠูˆุชูŠูˆุจ ุงู†ุดุงุก ู‚ู†ุงุฉ ุนู„ู‰ ุงู„ูŠูˆุชูŠูˆุจ ู…ู† ุงู„ู‡ุงุชู ุฅู†ุดุงุก ู‚ู†ุงุฉ ุนู„ูŠ ุงู„ูŠูˆุชูŠูˆุจ ุงู†ุดุงุก ู‚ู†ุงุฉ ูŠูˆุชูŠูˆุจ ุจุงู„ู‡ุงุชู ุงู†ุดุงุก ู‚ู†ุงุฉ ูŠูˆุชูŠูˆุจ ู…ู† ุงู„ู‡ุงุชู ูƒูŠููŠุฉ ุงู†ุดุงุก ู‚ู†ุงุฉ ุนู„ู‰ ุงู„ูŠูˆุชูŠูˆุจ ุทุฑูŠู‚ุฉ ุนู…ู„ ู‚ู†ุงุฉ ุนู„ู‰ ุงู„ูŠูˆุชูŠูˆุจ ุงู„ุฑุจุญ ู…ู† ุงู„ูŠูˆุชูŠูˆุจ 2024

ู†ุญู† ู‚ู†ุงุฉ ู…ุชุฎุตุตุฉ ููŠ ุงู„ุจุฑุงู…ุฌ ุงู„ุชูƒู†ูˆู„ูˆุฌูŠุฉ ุŒ ุจู…ุง ููŠ ุฐู„ูƒ ุจุฑุงู…ุฌ ุงู„ูˆูŠู†ุฏูˆุฒ ูˆุงู„ุดุจูƒุงุช ุŒ ูˆุงู„ุฑุจุญ ู…ู† ุงู„ุฅู†ุชุฑู†ุช ุŒ ูˆุงู„ุญู…ุงูŠุฉ ุŒ ูˆูˆุณุงุฆู„ ุงู„ุชูˆุงุตู„ ุงู„ุงุฌุชู…ุงุนูŠ ุŒ ูˆุงู„ูŠูˆุชูŠูˆุจ ุŒ ูˆู†ู‚ุงุฑู† ุงู„ู…ูˆุงุตูุงุช ุงู„ุชูุตูŠู„ูŠุฉ ู„ู„ู‡ูˆุงุชู ุงู„ู…ุญู…ูˆู„ุฉ ุŒ ูˆุงู„ู‡ูˆุงุชู ุงู„ุฐูƒูŠุฉ ุŒ ูˆู†ู‚ูˆู… ุจุตูŠุงู†ุชู‡ุง ุŒ ูˆู†ู‚ูˆู… ุจุชุฑูƒูŠุจ ูƒุงู…ูŠุฑุงุช ุงู„ู…ุฑุงู‚ุจุฉ ุŒ ูˆุงุตู„ุงุญ ุงุฌู‡ุฒุฉ ุงู„ุฑูŠุณูŠูุฑ ูˆุจุฑู…ุฌุชู‡ุง ูˆู…ุดุงุฑูƒุฉ ุงู„ู…ุญุชูˆูŠุงุช ุงู„ุญุตุฑูŠ ู…ุซู„ ุงู„ู…ุญุชูˆูŠ ุงู„ุฅุฎุจุงุฑู‰ ุŒ ูˆุงู„ุฑูŠุงุถู‰ ุŒ ูˆุงู„ุซู‚ุงููŠ ุŒ ูˆุงู„ูู†ู‰ ู†ุฃู…ู„ ุฃู† ูŠุนุฌุจ ุงู„ุฌู…ูŠุน ุงู„ู…ุญุชูˆู‰ ุงู„ุฎุงุต ุจู†ุง. ุชุฃูƒุฏ ู…ู† ุงู„ุงุดุชุฑุงูƒ ููŠ ู‚ู†ุงุชู†ุง ู„ู„ุฅุดุชุฑุงูƒ ูู‰ ุงู„ู‚ู†ุงุฉ ู…ู† ู‡ู†ุง: We are a channel specialized in technology programs, including Windows programs and networks, profit from the Internet, security, social media, YouTube, we compare detailed specifications for mobile phones and smartphones, we maintain them, we install surveillance cameras, repair receivers, programming and sharing exclusive content Like news, sports, cultural, and artistic content, we hope everyone will like our content. Make sure to subscribe to our channel To subscribe here :