Amaury Guichon channel logo Amaury Guichon
  • Custom URL: @amauryguichonchef
  • Country: United States 🇺🇸
  • Description language: English

  • YouTube channel type
  • Audience: 17.5M
  • Video Views: 6.03B
  • # videos: 330
  • Estimated Earnings: $1.51M - $24.11M
  • Category: Food Hobby Lifestyle
  • Global Rank: 689
  • Country Rank: 200
  • Date Created: 2013-12-29
  • Date Updated: 2024-06-25
Audience activity: 344
Views per video: 18.26M
Audience growth speed: 4.57K
Keywords: Amaury Guichon pastry chef las vegas chocolatier Pastry Academy Pastry Academy by Amaury Guichon

After eighteen years of devoting my life fully to the pastry industry I’ve decided to open my very first pastry school in Las Vegas: Pastry Academy by Amaury Guichon! I have spent the last six years traveling the world learning from different cultures and teaching high-level pastry skills, it was now time to do something great in the place I call home, Las Vegas. I want to put my life experience in the pastry industry to work for everyone else who would like to learn the fundamental and advanced skills of this beautiful craft with an intensive ten-week program covering all bases: pastry, plated dessert, chocolate, ice-cream, danish, bread, candy and chocolate showpieces. Starting from the beginning and going all the way to more advanced skills, you will have everything you need to start your sweet new career! I look forward to meeting you For more information you can email us directly at the following address: